There’s a new streaming tax, targeting you


Life is already unaffordable!


The government has put a tax on your streaming services. Just another decision that makes life more unaffordable for you.


What is the Streaming Tax?

The government is implementing its Online Streaming Act, also known as Bill C-11, which is introducing new costs on music and video streaming services. So far, this includes an inflexible 5% levy that services must pay in order to operate in Canada. This could lead to higher prices for Canadians and fewer content choices. As a result, you may end up paying more for your favourite streaming services and have less control over what you can watch or listen to. This new tax is just the beginning. The Canadian Radio-television and Telecommunications Commission (CRTC) could impose more red tape soon that can impact your favourite streaming service, and your ability to afford and access the content you want to watch and listen to.

How can you help?

Join us in fighting to Scrap the Streaming Tax! Contact your local MP today and demand the repeal of this unfair legislation.

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